SoccerFit gets the fellas to pass to the girls
I have frequently heard girls saying how disappointed they are that the guys won’t pass to them more in mixed soccer competitions. I have definitely seen that myself, and I think probably most people would agree. It seems to vary from 2 extremes :-
Guys who see the female quota (there is usually is a requirement to play a minimum of 2 girls in a mixed soccer 7-a-side team, for example) as just a rule that has to be complied with and once the game is on, omit or forget to play the game in true ‘mixed’ soccer spirit.
- Guys who do pass to the girls, but in a kind of patronising way which doesn’t make them feel like full and proper members of the team.
Surely there is a better way!
We think there is. At SoccerFit we apply the following ‘revolutionary’ game conditions during our Game Experience that solve this problem once and for all. These are :-
- Two touch Only : When you receive the ball, you can touch it once to control it, but you only have one remaining touch to pass or shoot - if you touch it again, the refereeing trainer will award a free to the opposition
- Two seconds on the ball : When you receive the ball you must pass or shoot within 2 seconds. OK that can be hard with beginners sometimes, but don’t worry, our trainers give newbies plenty of leeway.
- No tackling and no contact : By doing it this way, players can just relax and concentrate on making a good pass (or shot) without worrying about being hurt in a tackle
- The ball is not allowed above the knee. The ref will award a free kick for infringements of this rule.
With these rules in place, the whole approach to the game changes dramatically, and the game becomes more about which team can move the ball around quickly and efficiently. For a team to win, it makes a huge difference if you can use all your players, not just the guys.
With these key SoccerFit Rules in place, we have observed the following :-
- Players with the ball will decide quickly and will pass to the person in the best position, whether they are male or female
- Because the game is fast-moving overall and the ball moves over a greater area, all players, male and female remain engaged with play and get into the ‘thick of things’ more readily which gives everyone greater possession of the ball
- Due to the constant action of the game, to preserve energy, players will make more passes to other team-members over all, whether male or female,
- Due to this need to link up with other players, the ‘vibe’ of the game is very team-oriented leading to less individualistic play and more passing, communication and interactivity with other team-members.
OK, so we’re not solving world hunger at SoccerFit, but we feel very gratified that we have been able to develop something which is not only great for fitness and fun, but also gives a sporting experience to a wider range of people. There are not many sporting activities of a physical nature where men and women can have a well matched sporting contest, but mixed soccer is certainly one. By introducing some simple format changes we feel that we have improved what was already a great ‘product’, and made it even better.
Don’t believe us? Try for yourself at any of our exciting SoccerFit activities - Group SoccerFit, Train Our Team, Corporate Team Builder and Big Match SoccerFit.
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